District Technology Plan
This technology plan was initially developed by the District Technology Committee using the DistrictViSTA process. This plan is intended to be an ever-evolving document that guides our efforts to provide our students, staff, parents, and community with access to appropriate technologies as we work to prepare all learners for future challenges and opportunities.
This plan is designed to support the mission and beliefs of our district while recognizing our current and projected environment. The overall approach of the plan is described in the summary section below. Twelve subsequent sections (A through L) describe our strategy and detailed intentions for student outcomes, staff development, access to technology, policies, personnel, communication, funding, implementation, and assessment.
Technology planning is a process, not just an event. Therefore, this book is a "living document" which will be continuously updated as our plans mature, our understanding grows, and technology capabilities expand. The district is now in the process of working to refine, fund, and implement this plan.
We are each committed to the vision, intent, and content of this plan. We recognize that technology planning is an ongoing process, and therefore we will continue to adapt this plan in order to truly yield a positive, lasting impact on teaching and learning.
The role of technology is to support this mission in harmony with our district beliefs about teaching & learning and our learning standards. These and other aspects of our pedagogy have been defined and are included in this preface to our plan to ensure we keep them in proper perspective and keep our focus on teaching and learning.
To view the entire Technology Plan, please click here.