Middle School Counseling Services
The Middle School is organized into interdisciplinary teams at each grade level. The students are placed into academic teams of approximately 120 students. Each team has the same four academic teachers (English, math, science, and social studies) and guidance counselor. Teams are identified by their grade and a color.
The teachers have a common block of preparation time and work closely with each other to provide the best educational experience for their students. The team of teachers has the opportunity to plan together, to correlate homework, to arrange for group learning situations, to assess each student's individual needs, to evaluate student achievement, and to meet with students and parents to discuss student progress.
If you have questions about our teams, please contact the Guidance Office at 739-6357, x3648 or x3649.
Core Areas of Study - all meet five days a week for the full year:
- English
- Foreign Language
- Social Studies
- Science
- Math
Special Areas of Study - all except Physical Education meet every other day for 20 weeks. Physical Education meets every other day for the full year:
- Art
- Health
- Family and Consumer Science
- Music
- Physical Education
- Technology
Students will be given their schedules at the start of school. These schedules will indicate which of the above subject areas are scheduled for each period, the assigned teacher, and the room number.
Academic Placement:
The seventh grade academic program is a challenging one. To best meet the needs of the students, as well as prepare them for the requirements outlined by the State Education Department, all classes at the Middle School are mixed ability grouped. The two exceptions to this are accelerated mathematics and accelerated art.
Building on the 7th grade program, the 8th grade curriculum is designed to prepare the students for the challenging high school graduation requirements. Minimum high school graduation requirements include Regents exams in English, math, science and social studies.
Grade Reporting:
Each ten weeks students are issued a report card. Students whose report card average is 85 or higher are listed as honor roll students. Any grade below 65 is failing.
Each five weeks all students are issued an interim progress report. This will reflect student progress mid-way through the marking period.
Academic Intervention Services
Students scoring below certain reference points on standardized tests, state tests or local performance assessments must, as required by the New York State Education Department, receive academic intervention services (AIS). If your child is in need of this help, you will be notified in writing. AIS services such as reading lab, math lab, and classroom teacher support may be indicated.
The Counseling Office phone number is 607-739-6357, x3648 or x3649.
School Counselors: Marti Clark (last names A-K), Steve Micknich (last names L-Z)