Horseheads Technology
Technology is a top priority in the Horseheads district. The district has more than 4,500 networked and stand-alone computers, as well as scanners, interactive white boards and panels, projectors, digital cameras, handheld computers, tablets, and more. Interactive boards and panels are in the majority of the district's classrooms.
The Multi-Media Center in the south wing of Horseheads High School and the Large Group Instruction Room (LGI) at the Middle School house technology to support distance learning and virtual learning experiences, large meetings, and other multi-media presentations.
A District Technology Committee has developed technology benchmarks for each grade level. The committee has developed a multi-year technology plan that guides our efforts to provide appropriate technology to students and staff. This plan is designed to support the mission and beliefs of our district while recognizing our current and projected environment.
You may view the district technology plan by clicking here.
Please note: The district has an Acceptable Use Policy for students and staff. Parents are encouraged to read the policy in order to be informed on what the district requires of students when using district computers. To view the Acceptable Use Policy, click here. To view the Acceptable Use Policy regulation, click here.
Major Initiatives
- 1:1 Laptops, for all High Schooler - Learn more here.
- Learning/Instructional
- Web-Based/Individualized Staff Development
- Promote instructional web-based applications based on curriculum needs
- Tie instructional software tools to learning needs and district technology benchmarks
- Maintain student accounts in grades 3-12 to ensure secure data storage for all student computer related projects
- Perform ongoing technology planning strategies for the next five years based on critical information that supports the district's instructional goals
- Expanded technology access in the buildings through computers, laptops, tablets, and other devices
- Associate student work with real-business needs
- Improve and implement revised benchmarks that reflect the ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education Standards), CCLS (Common Core Learning Standards), and 21st Century Learning Outcomes
Student Data Privacy and Security
New York State Education Law Section 2-d requires that all school districts provide an inventory of programs used in the school environment on their websites and make such a document publicly available. Schools must also provide a clear description of the various data elements collected by the programs and applications including student, teacher, and administrator Personally Identifiable Information (PII). In addition to the required information, more resources such as legal or regulatory documentation may be added to this public resource further outlining the reasons particular data elements are collected as well as the intended uses. The district is preparing a list of the inventory and a description of the programs currently in use in our schools with links to each company's privacy policies maintained by RIC One. This public portal will be continuously updated as new security information is received or as new technological applications are integrated into the school environment.
For more information, click here:
Data Protection Officer
The Data Protection Officer for the district is William Giancoli, Director of Technology. Questions, concerns, or complaints about data security should be directed to
Student Data Privacy and Security
New York State Education Law Section 2-d requires that all school districts provide an inventory of programs used in the school environment on their websites and make such a document publicly available. Schools must also provide a clear description of the various data elements collected by the programs and applications including student, teacher and administrator Personally Identifiable Information (PII). In addition to the required information, more resources such as legal or regulatory documentation may be added to this public resource further outlining the reasons particular data elements are collected as well as the intended uses. You will find the inventory and a description of the programs currently in use in our schools with links to each company's privacy policies maintained by RIC One below. This public portal will be continuously updated as new security information is received or as new technological applications are integrated into the school environment.
Inventory of Applications in Use that are Compliant with NYS Education Law Section 2-D
Click here to view this table in a new window.
Applications that are purchased through GST BOCES are covered under the GST BOCES Parents' Bill of Rights or Contracts available for review here.
After reviewing this resource, if you have any questions, please feel free to email
What Is RIC One?
RIC One is a program that consists of 12 Regional Information Centers (RICs) that helps with various services provided to schools. One such service, is the Data Privacy and Security Initiative tool for New York State districts to ensure compliance with Education Law 2-d and Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requirements. RIC One serves as an intermediary for Districts by hosting the service and by acquiring the required documentation from the vendors. They also work to support educators in implementing technology-rich learning experiences while ensuring that students’ privacy is not compromised.