Horseheads Central School District
Educational Renewal Plan
Horseheads Central School District sets the standard of educational excellence by fostering innovative thinking, curiosity, and a passion for learning to maximize the potential of each individual. We engage with our local and global communities to provide a student-centered, nurturing environment.
Explore Empower Excel
Value Statements:
We Explore through local and global opportunities, a culture of innovation, and individual learning paths.
We Empower each other by rising to challenges, celebrating success, and learning from failure.
We Excel as a result of our passion for learning, the quality of our character, and the strength of our relationships.
Priority Areas of the District:
The priority goals of the district are adopted by the Board of Education. The action teams will create and implement the action plans with detailed objectives, tactics, and performance indicators required to achieve the priority goal. They will recommend these action plans to the Superintendent and the Board of Education.
Evidence used to demonstrate progress will include, but is not limited to state report cards, local and benchmark data, implementation timelines, evaluation rubrics, student and staff data, and stakeholder surveys.
Priority Goal 1 - Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Ensure that PK-12 students consistently exceed state academic standards by implementing a cohesive curriculum that is vertically and horizontally integrated, as measured by state assessments in all subject areas, as well as growth in local and benchmark assessments.
Priority Goal 2 - Professional Learning
By implementing Horseheads Professional Learning Priorities, the district will foster innovative thinking, curiosity, and establish a passion for learning as measured by increased educator effectiveness and student performance. Current Horseheads professional learning priorities include: backwards design of curriculum writing, inquiry based instruction, instructional technology, as well as meeting the individual learning needs of the staff.
Priority Goal 3 - Culture and Wellness
Provide students and employees with an environment that promotes district-wide pride and individual health. This nurturing environment will meet the physical and emotional needs of each individual. In accomplishing this goal, the community and the expertise found within the district will be leveraged.
Priority Goal 4 - Community Engagement
Increase the percentage of students participating in individual and/or team learning opportunities with local and global community partners by supporting innovation and collaboration between students, staff, local community, global partners, and the district.
Definitions of Terms:
Priority Goal: Defines the destination a system aims for with a specific result
Objective: Identifies the strategies implement to achieve each priority goal and in what time frame
Tactics: Outlines the specific actions taken to implement each objective
Performance Indicators: States the measure used to assess the extent to which a tactic has been accomplished
Objectives, Tactics, and Performance Indicators are created by the district action committees in order to achieve the priority goals as set by the district.